Traditional Deck with a Curve


420 SQFT


Trex Decking

Traditional Deck with a Curve

Our clients had a master concept for their backyard already developed when they approached us with this project. It was a great concept – it just needed all the final details to be worked out. So while they knew where the deck was going to go and which way the stairs were going to point, it was our job to take that plan and help them make decisions about the finishing touches.

Wanting a more formal and traditional feel to match their style, we kept the deck design fairly straightforward. They decided to add a gentle curve on the front of the deck to create an elegant and graceful bump-out bay. Completing the crisp look was an L-shaped staircase leading form the deck to the stone patio and yard.

Although the deck was simple in its basic design, the little details really made it shine: the curve, double border, trim, colors, and detailing. One thing our clients often don’t realize is that some of the most beautiful decks that we have ever built are a simple design with all the right details. This is actually a bit of a challenge to pull off but when we do, the results are stunning.

If you are a minimalist and prefer a clean, simple style, we are happy to jump on board. If you are after something matches your homes aesthetic, we are up for the challenge and ready to push the envelope. As deck designers, it’s fun either way. Our goal is to help you decide what works best for your lifestyle.

That’s what is so gratifying about being in this field. No two clients are the same and every deck is unique to its setting, layout, and style. Perhaps the most rewarding feeling for us is when families are able to unplug and spend time outdoors on their new deck. Those moments don’t come often enough in our fast-paced lives, so for us, we’re happy to be able to create outdoor gathering places for family and friends to enjoy together.

For our client, this deck accomplished its primary goal. It extended this family’s living space outside. Now they walk right out of the kitchen onto an outdoor dining/living room. When the evenings are pleasant, their family is living life outside.

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Trust Woodland to deliver a fast estimate, skilled construction team and focused attention to detail – so you can start making memories on your custom deck in no time! Get your next-day estimate.